Monday, April 14, 2014

Composition of Royalist Army

I thought that I'd share with you the intended composition of my ECW Royalist army . . . at least as intended at this point (the figures have been purchase but are not yet painted).

Photo of Murdock's Parliamentary Troops -- not mine

First my Foote:
  • Pike & Shot -- 12 units (5 Green, 4 Veteran, 3 Elite)
  • Commanded Shot -- 4 units (1 Green, 2 Veteran, 1 Elite)
  • Dismounted Dragoons -- 2 units (1 Green, 1 Veteran)
Then my Mounted -- 12 total units -- 10 Horse, 2 Dragoons:
  • 7 units of Gallopers -- ( 2 Green, 3 Veteran, 2 Elite)
  • 3 units of Trotters -- (1 Green, 1 Veteran, 1 Elite)
  • 2 units of mounted Dragoons -- (1 Green, 1 Veteran)
Finally the Artillery -- a variety of different sized guns with enough artillerymen to man as many as we are likely to field.

I should note that the above lists are substantially the same as Murdock's Parliamentary Army except that he will have the exact reverse number of Trotters and Gallopers.

-- Jeff